Dean Phillips considering legal action over robocalls allegedly created by member of campaign staff

(St. Paul, MN) -- Minnesota Congressman and presidential candidate Dean Phillips says he's considering legal action over a series of robocalls.  

NBC News reports Paul Carpernter, a magician and individual who had never voted in previous elections, used artificial intelligence to create an audio recording of President Joe Biden urging people not to vote in the New Hampshire primary last month. Carpenter said he was hired by a consultant for the Phillips campaign. The campaign denied it asked him to create the fake robocalls. 

“If it is true that Mr. Kramer had any involvement in the creation of deepfake robocalls, he did so of his own volition which had nothing to do with our campaign,” Phillips spokeswoman Katie Dolan told CNN in a statement. "The fundamental notion of our campaign is the importance of competition, choice, and democracy, We are disgusted to learn that Mr. Kramer is allegedly behind this call, and if the allegations are true, we absolutely denounce his actions.”