Cramer issues statement as USMCA begins

U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) issued the following statement on the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) coming into effect today:

“North Dakota has waited years for this day to come. President Trump kept his promise and did what his predecessors failed to do, successfully putting America first on the world stage and securing an improved trade deal that levels the playing field for our workers, producers, and businesses. I look forward to seeing our country reap the benefits of the USMCA and to helping the Trump Administration achieve more pro-North Dakota trade deals over the next four years.”

U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer notified Congress in April the USMCA trade agreement will take effect today.

Senator Cramer is a strong supporter of the USMCA, helping pass it through the Senate earlier this year. With it now implemented, the USMCA will help improve transparency, reduce trade distorting policies, and ensure non-discriminatory treatment for American agricultural product standards with two of North Dakota’s biggest trading partners.

Specifically, this deal will: 

  • Ensure North Dakota grain is no longer graded as sub-par feed;
  • Provide increased access to the Canadian market for poultry, eggs, and dairy;
  • Mandate that vehicles, built with 75 percent North American content, are imported without tariffs; and
  • Require any member of the agreement to give three months’ notice to the other countries if it starts negotiations with a non-market economy, which is what the United States considers China.