Williston Police Department makes changes amid COVID-19 concerns

We at the Williston Police Department want to advise the Williston community of some of the operational changes that we will be taking to keep Williston community members and our employees safe during the COVID- 19 response. First and foremost, the Williston Police Department will still be responding to calls for service from the community as needed. Our officers have been given access to personal protective equipment to help them continue to do their jobs and wear when necessary. 

We want to try and follow the CDC guidelines as much as possible concerning social distancing. This is a recommendation of at least 6 feet between individuals and no physical touching. This means on some calls for service officers may respond with a phone call instead of an actual officer’s presence. Do not think that this will result in the Williston Police Department taking the call any less seriously or working less diligently. 

It should be noted that public access to the Law Enforcement Center may be restricted as an added measure. This measure would be for everyone’s safety, and not meant to be a barrier to keep us from doing the job we love. We want to remind the public that they do not need to come to the Law Enforcement Center for law enforcement reporting or to get paperwork as much of this can be done through our Williston Police Department website on-line. 

The following things have been suspended until further notice: 

  • Citizen ride-alongs with officers
  • Police Department tours for citizens.
  • Speaking engagements to large groups.
  • Travel for business and officer’s training.
  • In person large employee meetings. 

We want the public to know that we are reacting but not overreacting to these concerns, because while we want to be diligent in doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 we realize that we still have a duty to serve and protect the Williston Community. We encourage our community members to stay informed on COVID-19. Information can be found at the CDC’s website online at: www.cdc.gov