Sen. Cramer Praises Highway Bill, Submits North Dakota Comments to Senate Record

U.S. Senator and Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee member Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) issued the following statement on America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act (ATIA), the highway reauthorization bill he supports that unanimously passed through EPW before the August recess:

“Our bill contains the largest funding commitment in highway authorization history. It grows the economy, enhances roads and bridges, eliminates burdensome regulation, invests in tribal lands, and maintains the current funding formula that ensures North Dakota receives steady funding and flexibility to prioritize our transportation needs.”

President Donald J. Trump also offered his support for the bill on Twitter:

“Senate is working hard on America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act. Will have BIG IMPACT on our highways and roads all across our Nation. Interest strong from Republicans and Democrats. Do I hear the beautiful word, BIPARTISAN? Get it done. I am with you!”

As the committee wrote the bill, Senator Cramer received comments from North Dakotans about what they want to see in a highway reauthorization bill. The Senator thanked them for their involvement and submitted their input into the official Senate record.

“We received input and comments from city, county and state leaders all across North Dakota, expressing their desire for a highway bill reauthorization that works best for our state,” Senator Cramer explains. “Their feedback and priorities are very important to me. While not all of their requests were met, I want them to know their voices were heard.”

“As the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee prepares to vote on the highway reauthorization legislation,” North Dakota Department of Transportation Interim Director Ronald Henke writes to Senator Cramer, “we would like to thank you for your leadership on issues in the bill that are important for North Dakota.”

Senator Cramer also urged the U.S. House of Representatives to follow the Senate’s lead by passing a highway bill quickly and with bipartisan support.

“This is an economically and environmentally responsible bill. It is a win for both sides of the aisle and a win for our country,” Senator Cramer concludes. “I encourage my colleagues in the House to be proactive and to avoid procrastinating until the last minute. Let’s work together in a timely fashion to deliver a significant investment for the constituents we serve.”